50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Tenses

50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Tenses – Bahasa Inggris tentang tenses mengacu pada bentuk-bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu terjadinya suatu tindakan atau peristiwa. Dalam bahasa Inggris, tenses adalah cara untuk menyatakan apakah sesuatu terjadi di masa lalu, sedang terjadi sekarang, atau akan terjadi di masa depan.
Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal berganda dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang tenses, lengkap dengan jawabannya.
1. Which tense is used in the sentence? “She is reading a book now.”
A. Present Simple
B. Present Continuous
C. Present Perfect
D. Past Continuous
E. Present Perfect Continuous
Answer: B. Present Continuous
2. Which form of the verb is correct? “By this time next year, they _____ the new project.”
A. will finish
B. will have finished
C. are finishing
D. will be finishing
E. finished
Answer: B. will have finished
3. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “They _____ to the party yesterday.”
A. go
B. gone
C. went
D. will go
E. are going
Answer: C. went
4. Which tense is used in the sentence? “He has just completed his assignment.”
A. Past Simple
B. Present Continuous
C. Present Perfect
D. Present Simple
E. Past Perfect
Answer: C. Present Perfect
5. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “She _____ to the gym every morning.”
A. go
B. goes
C. went
D. is going
E. gone
Answer: B. goes
6. Choose the correct sentence.
A. She cooking dinner right now.
B. She cooks dinner right now.
C. She is cooking dinner right now.
D. She has cooked dinner right now.
E. She cook dinner right now.
Answer: C. She is cooking dinner right now.
7. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “By the time you arrive, I _____ the house.”
A. will clean
B. will be cleaning
C. will have cleaned
D. clean
E. cleaned
Answer: C. will have cleaned
8. Which tense is used in the sentence? “They were watching TV when I called.”
A. Present Simple
B. Present Continuous
C. Past Continuous
D. Past Simple
E. Present Perfect Continuous
Answer: C. Past Continuous
9. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence? “She _____ her homework before dinner last night.”
A. finish
B. finishes
C. has finished
D. finished
E. finishing
Answer: D. finished
10. Which tense is used in the sentence? “I will be traveling to Paris next week.”
A. Future Simple
B. Future Continuous
C. Future Perfect
D. Present Simple
E. Present Continuous
Answer: B. Future Continuous
11. Choose the correct form of the verb: “She _____ the report by tomorrow.”
A. finishes
B. has finished
C. finished
D. will have finished
E. finishing
Answer: D. will have finished
12. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “They _____ to the concert last weekend.”
A. go
B. are going
C. have gone
D. went
E. going
Answer: D. went
13. Which tense is used in the sentence? “I have been working here for five years.”
A. Present Simple
B. Present Continuous
C. Present Perfect
D. Present Perfect Continuous
E. Past Continuous
Answer: D. Present Perfect Continuous
14. Choose the correct sentence.
A. She has been work here since 2015.
B. She is work here since 2015.
C. She worked here since 2015.
D. She has been working here since 2015.
E. She works here since 2015.
Answer: D. She has been working here since 2015.
15. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “By the time we arrived, they _____ dinner.”
A. had finished
B. have finished
C. will finish
D. finish
E. finishing
Answer: A. had finished
16. Which tense is used in the sentence? “She usually drinks coffee in the morning.”
A. Present Simple
B. Present Continuous
C. Present Perfect
D. Present Perfect Continuous
E. Past Simple
Answer: A. Present Simple
17. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence? “He _____ to the office every day.”
A. go
B. goes
C. went
D. going
E. gone
Answer: B. goes
18. Which tense is used in the sentence? “They had been living in the city for five years before they moved.”
A. Present Perfect
B. Past Perfect Continuous
C. Past Simple
D. Present Continuous
E. Future Perfect
Answer: B. Past Perfect Continuous
19. Choose the correct sentence.
A. She was study when I called her.
B. She studying when I called her.
C. She is studying when I called her.
D. She was studying when I called her.
E. She has studied when I called her.
Answer: D. She was studying when I called her.
20. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “He _____ the project by the end of the month.”
A. finish
B. finishes
C. will finish
D. finished
E. finishing
Answer: C. will finish
21. Which tense is used in the sentence? “I had already left when she arrived.”
A. Present Simple
B. Present Perfect
C. Past Perfect
D. Future Perfect
E. Present Continuous
Answer: C. Past Perfect
22. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence? “They _____ dinner when the phone rang.”
A. eat
B. eats
C. were eating
D. ate
E. eaten
Answer: C. were eating
23. Which tense is used in the sentence? “She will have completed the task by tomorrow.”
A. Future Simple
B. Future Continuous
C. Future Perfect
D. Present Perfect
E. Present Continuous
Answer: C. Future Perfect
24. Choose the correct sentence.
A. He have been working here for two years.
B. He has been work here for two years.
C. He has been working here for two years.
D. He is been working here for two years.
E. He works here for two years.
Answer: C. He has been working here for two years.
25. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “She _____ to the store when it started to rain.”
A. go
B. went
C. was going
D. goes
E. gone
Answer: C. was going
26. Which tense is used in the sentence? “I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.”
A. Present Simple
B. Present Perfect
C. Past Simple
D. Present Continuous
E. Future Perfect
Answer: B. Present Perfect
27. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence? “They _____ the report by next week.”
A. will finish
B. finish
C. finished
D. finishes
E. have finished
Answer: A. will finish
28. Which tense is used in the sentence? “They were playing football when it started to rain.”
A. Past Simple
B. Past Continuous
C. Present Continuous
D. Present Perfect
E. Future Continuous
Answer: B. Past Continuous
29. Choose the correct sentence.
A. She has written a letter last night.
B. She wrote a letter last night.
C. She writes a letter last night.
D. She writing a letter last night.
E. She was written a letter last night.
Answer: B. She wrote a letter last night.
30. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “By the time she arrived, we _____ dinner.”
A. eat
B. ate
C. had eaten
D. eating
E. were eating
Answer: C. had eaten
31. Which tense is used in the sentence? “She will be attending the meeting tomorrow.”
A. Present Continuous
B. Future Simple
C. Future Continuous
D. Past Continuous
E. Present Simple
Answer: C. Future Continuous
32. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence? “I _____ the movie last night.”
A. watch
B. watched
C. watching
D. watches
E. was watching
Answer: B. watched
33. Which tense is used in the sentence? “They have lived here for ten years.”
A. Present Simple
B. Present Continuous
C. Present Perfect
D. Past Simple
E. Future Simple
Answer: C. Present Perfect
34. Choose the correct sentence.
A. He is played football yesterday.
B. He play football yesterday.
C. He playing football yesterday.
D. He played football yesterday.
E. He plays football yesterday.
Answer: D. He played football yesterday.
35. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “She _____ studying when I called her.”
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. be
E. will
Answer: A. was
36. Which tense is used in the sentence? “They had been discussing the project for hours before they reached a decision.”
A. Past Perfect
B. Past Continuous
C. Past Perfect Continuous
D. Present Continuous
E. Future Continuous
Answer: C. Past Perfect Continuous
37. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence? “I _____ to the meeting when I received your call.”
A. go
B. went
C. was going
D. am going
E. going
Answer: C. was going
38. Which tense is used in the sentence? “She will have finished the report by the time you arrive.”
A. Present Simple
B. Future Perfect
C. Future Simple
D. Future Continuous
E. Present Continuous
Answer: B. Future Perfect
39. Choose the correct sentence.
A. I have been finished my work.
B. I finished my work.
C. I am finishing my work.
D. I has finished my work.
E. I finish my work.
Answer: B. I finished my work.
40. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “She _____ dinner when the phone rang.”
A. cook
B. cooked
C. cooking
D. was cooking
E. cooks
Answer: D. was cooking
41. Which tense is used in the sentence? “He has been reading for two hours.”
A. Present Perfect Continuous
B. Present Continuous
C. Present Perfect
D. Past Simple
E. Future Simple
Answer: A. Present Perfect Continuous
42. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence? “They _____ the house when I arrived.”
A. cleaning
B. cleans
C. cleaned
D. were cleaning
E. clean
Answer: D. were cleaning
43. Which tense is used in the sentence? “By next month, I will have lived here for a year.”
A. Present Simple
B. Future Continuous
C. Future Perfect
D. Past Simple
E. Present Perfect Continuous
Answer: C. Future Perfect
44. Choose the correct sentence.
A. He is gone to the store.
B. He gone to the store.
C. He has gone to the store.
D. He go to the store.
E. He goes to the store.
Answer: C. He has gone to the store.
45. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “She _____ finished her homework before she went to bed.”
A. is
B. was
C. had
D. has
E. will
Answer: C. had
46. Which tense is used in the sentence? “I was watching TV when she called.”
A. Present Continuous
B. Past Continuous
C. Present Perfect
D. Present Perfect Continuous
E. Future Continuous
Answer: B. Past Continuous
47. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence? “By the time you arrive, I _____.”
A. will have left
B. will leave
C. leave
D. am leaving
E. leaves
Answer: A. will have left
48. Which tense is used in the sentence? “They will be working late tonight.”
A. Present Simple
B. Present Continuous
C. Future Continuous
D. Past Continuous
E. Future Perfect
Answer: C. Future Continuous
49. Choose the correct sentence.
A. She has cooked dinner already.
B. She had cooked dinner already.
C. She cooked dinner already.
D. She has cooking dinner already.
E. She is cooked dinner already.
Answer: A. She has cooked dinner already.
50. What is the correct tense of the verb in this sentence? “They _____ to the beach last weekend.”
A. go
B. are going
C. gone
D. went
E. going
Answer: D. went
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