Contoh Soal

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Nama-Nama Benda

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Nama-Nama Benda
50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Nama-Nama Benda

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Nama-Nama Benda – Berikut adalah contoh soal pilihan ganda untuk kelas 7 SMP mengenai topik “Nama-Nama Benda” dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya:

1. What is the English word for “meja”?
a. Chair
b. Table
c. Bed
d. Desk
e. Cup
Jawaban: b

2. What is the English word for “kursi”?
a. Couch
b. Sofa
c. Chair
d. Table
e. Cabinet
Jawaban: c

3. What is the English word for “lemari”?
a. Shelf
b. Cupboard
c. Chair
d. Table
e. Rug
Jawaban: b

4. What is the English word for “pintu”?
a. Door
b. Window
c. Wall
d. Roof
e. Ceiling
Jawaban: a

5. What is the English word for “jendela”?
a. Door
b. Window
c. Curtain
d. Roof
e. Shelf
Jawaban: b

6. What is the English word for “lampu”?
a. Bulb
b. Light
c. Lamp
d. Candle
e. Flashlight
Jawaban: c

7. What is the English word for “rak buku”?
a. Shelf
b. Book
c. Table
d. Drawer
e. Sofa
Jawaban: a

8. What is the English word for “kasur”?
a. Bed
b. Chair
c. Sofa
d. Pillow
e. Sheet
Jawaban: a

9. What is the English word for “karpet”?
a. Rug
b. Curtain
c. Chair
d. Table
e. Shelf
Jawaban: a

10. What is the English word for “gelas”?
a. Cup
b. Glass
c. Bottle
d. Plate
e. Fork
Jawaban: b

11. What is the English word for “piring”?
a. Spoon
b. Fork
c. Plate
d. Knife
e. Bowl
Jawaban: c

12. What is the English word for “sendok”?
a. Fork
b. Spoon
c. Knife
d. Plate
e. Cup
Jawaban: b

13. What is the English word for “garpu”?
a. Spoon
b. Knife
c. Fork
d. Plate
e. Glass
Jawaban: c

14. What is the English word for “sepeda”?
a. Car
b. Bicycle
c. Bus
d. Motorbike
e. Airplane
Jawaban: b

15. What is the English word for “mobil”?
a. Car
b. Bicycle
c. Train
d. Airplane
e. Ship
Jawaban: a

16. What is the English word for “motor”?
a. Car
b. Motorbike
c. Bicycle
d. Boat
e. Bus
Jawaban: b

17. What is the English word for “televisi”?
a. Radio
b. TV
c. Computer
d. Phone
e. Speaker
Jawaban: b

Baca Juga:  50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Ppkn Tata Tertib Sekolah

18. What is the English word for “komputer”?
a. Laptop
b. Phone
c. Computer
d. Printer
e. Tablet
Jawaban: c

19. What is the English word for “kulkas”?
a. Freezer
b. Oven
c. Refrigerator
d. Stove
e. Sink
Jawaban: c

20. What is the English word for “mesin cuci”?
a. Washing machine
b. Iron
c. Vacuum cleaner
d. Blender
e. Fan
Jawaban: a

21. What is the English word for “kipas angin”?
a. Heater
b. Fan
c. Air conditioner
d. Lamp
e. Light
Jawaban: b

22. What is the English word for “tas”?
a. Bag
b. Box
c. Bottle
d. Basket
e. Jacket
Jawaban: a

23. What is the English word for “jam”?
a. Clock
b. Watch
c. Time
d. Hour
e. Day
Jawaban: a

24. What is the English word for “buku”?
a. Magazine
b. Paper
c. Book
d. Pen
e. Folder
Jawaban: c

25. What is the English word for “pulpen”?
a. Pencil
b. Marker
c. Eraser
d. Pen
e. Ruler
Jawaban: d

26. What is the English word for “pensil”?
a. Pen
b. Pencil
c. Paper
d. Marker
e. Eraser
Jawaban: b

27. What is the English word for “rak sepatu”?
a. Shoe rack
b. Coat hanger
c. Bed
d. Cupboard
e. Shelf
Jawaban: a

28. What is the English word for “pohon”?
a. Bush
b. Grass
c. Tree
d. Flower
e. Vine
Jawaban: c

29. What is the English word for “bunga”?
a. Tree
b. Grass
c. Flower
d. Bush
e. Leaf
Jawaban: c

30. What is the English word for “apel”?
a. Mango
b. Banana
c. Orange
d. Apple
e. Pineapple
Jawaban: d

31. What is the English word for “pisang”?
a. Apple
b. Mango
c. Banana
d. Grapes
e. Orange
Jawaban: c

32. What is the English word for “jeruk”?
a. Apple
b. Pineapple
c. Orange
d. Mango
e. Banana
Jawaban: c

33. What is the English word for “buku tulis”?
a. Notebook
b. Diary
c. Pen
d. Paper
e. Folder
Jawaban: a

34. What is the English word for “kunci”?
a. Lock
b. Key
c. Door
d. Handle
e. Bell
Jawaban: b

35. What is the English word for “lampu meja”?
a. Desk light
b. Table lamp
c. Floor light
d. Ceiling lamp
e. Street light
Jawaban: b

Baca Juga:  Contoh Soal Kelas 10 SMA Gaya Bahasa Majas

36. What is the English word for “tas sekolah”?
a. School bag
b. Backpack
c. Handbag
d. Briefcase
e. Satchel
Jawaban: a

37. What is the English word for “kardus”?
a. Box
b. Bag
c. Envelope
d. Container
e. Jar
Jawaban: a

38. What is the English word for “panci”?
a. Plate
b. Pan
c. Spoon
d. Fork
e. Pot
Jawaban: b

39. What is the English word for “gelas plastik”?
a. Paper cup
b. Glass
c. Plastic cup
d. Metal cup
e. Bottle
Jawaban: c

40. What is the English word for “topi”?
a. Hat
b. Cap
c. Helmet
d. Hood
e. Scarf
Jawaban: a

41. What is the English word for “kaos”?
a. Shirt
b. T-shirt
c. Jacket
d. Sweater
e. Pants
Jawaban: b

42. What is the English word for “sepatu”?
a. Shoes
b. Sandals
c. Boots
d. Slippers
e. Sneakers
Jawaban: a

43. What is the English word for “topi baseball”?
a. Hat
b. Baseball cap
c. Cowboy hat
d. Fedora
e. Beanie
Jawaban: b

44. What is the English word for “mobil polisi”?
a. Ambulance
b. Police car
c. Fire truck
d. Bus
e. Taxi
Jawaban: b

45. What is the English word for “kamera”?
a. Phone
b. Camera
c. Laptop
d. Television
e. Radio
Jawaban: b

46. What is the English word for “komputer jinjing”?
a. Desktop
b. Laptop
c. Tablet
d. Printer
e. Phone
Jawaban: b

47. What is the English word for “rumah”?
a. House
b. Room
c. Building
d. Castle
e. Apartment
Jawaban: a

48. What is the English word for “gedung”?
a. House
b. Building
c. Tower
d. Room
e. Wall
Jawaban: b

49. What is the English word for “mobil bus”?
a. Van
b. Bus
c. Train
d. Truck
e. Bicycle
Jawaban: b

50. What is the English word for “rumah sakit”?
a. Clinic
b. Hospital
c. Pharmacy
d. School
e. Store
Jawaban: b

Sekian 50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Nama-Nama Bend, Semoga Bermanfaat. Baca Juga 50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Matematika Konsep Bilangan

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