Contoh Soal

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Tentang Family

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Tentang Family Members
50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Tentang Family Members

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Tentang Family Members – Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang “Family Members” untuk Kelas 7 SMP beserta jawabannya:

1. What is the English word for “ayah”?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Brother
d. Sister
e. Son
Jawaban: a

2. What is the English word for “ibu”?
a. Sister
b. Father
c. Aunt
d. Mother
e. Grandmother
Jawaban: d

3. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki”?
a. Brother
b. Sister
c. Uncle
d. Cousin
e. Nephew
Jawaban: a

4. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan”?
a. Brother
b. Sister
c. Cousin
d. Mother
e. Aunt
Jawaban: b

5. What is the English word for “kakek”?
a. Uncle
b. Grandpa
c. Father
d. Grandfather
e. Cousin
Jawaban: d

6. What is the English word for “nenek”?
a. Grandma
b. Aunt
c. Mother
d. Sister
e. Father
Jawaban: a

7. What is the English word for “paman”?
a. Uncle
b. Father
c. Brother
d. Cousin
e. Nephew
Jawaban: a

8. What is the English word for “bibi”?
a. Mother
b. Aunt
c. Cousin
d. Sister
e. Grandmother
Jawaban: b

9. What is the English word for “keponakan laki-laki”?
a. Niece
b. Nephew
c. Brother
d. Son
e. Cousin
Jawaban: b

10. What is the English word for “keponakan perempuan”?
a. Niece
b. Nephew
c. Cousin
d. Daughter
e. Sister
Jawaban: a

11. What is the English word for “cucu laki-laki”?
a. Son
b. Grandson
c. Brother
d. Nephew
e. Cousin
Jawaban: b

12. What is the English word for “cucu perempuan”?
a. Granddaughter
b. Niece
c. Daughter
d. Sister
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

13. What is the English word for “ayah mertua”?
a. Father
b. Father-in-law
c. Grandfather
d. Brother-in-law
e. Uncle
Jawaban: b

14. What is the English word for “ibu mertua”?
a. Mother-in-law
b. Aunt
c. Sister-in-law
d. Grandmother
e. Mother
Jawaban: a

15. What is the English word for “suami”?
a. Husband
b. Wife
c. Father
d. Brother
e. Friend
Jawaban: a

16. What is the English word for “istri”?
a. Father
b. Wife
c. Sister
d. Mother
e. Daughter
Jawaban: b

17. What is the English word for “adik laki-laki”?
a. Little brother
b. Little sister
c. Elder brother
d. Cousin
e. Uncle
Jawaban: a

18. What is the English word for “adik perempuan”?
a. Little brother
b. Little sister
c. Elder sister
d. Mother
e. Father
Jawaban: b

Baca Juga:  50 Contoh Soal Ekonomi Kelas 12 SMA Untuk Persiapan Ujian

19. What is the English word for “abang”?
a. Younger brother
b. Older brother
c. Cousin
d. Uncle
e. Father
Jawaban: b

20. What is the English word for “saudara tiri laki-laki”?
a. Stepbrother
b. Half-brother
c. Cousin
d. Brother
e. Uncle
Jawaban: a

21. What is the English word for “saudara tiri perempuan”?
a. Stepsister
b. Sister-in-law
c. Half-sister
d. Daughter
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

22. What is the English word for “orang tua”?
a. Parent
b. Teacher
c. Grandparent
d. Neighbor
e. Friend
Jawaban: a

23. What is the English word for “keluarga”?
a. Neighbors
b. Friends
c. Family
d. Relatives
e. Classmates
Jawaban: c

24. What is the English word for “ibu tiri”?
a. Stepmother
b. Mother
c. Aunt
d. Sister
e. Grandma
Jawaban: a

25. What is the English word for “ayah tiri”?
a. Stepfather
b. Father
c. Uncle
d. Brother
e. Grandfather
Jawaban: a

26. What is the English word for “anak laki-laki”?
a. Daughter
b. Boy
c. Son
d. Father
e. Brother
Jawaban: c

27. What is the English word for “anak perempuan”?
a. Daughter
b. Girl
c. Son
d. Mother
e. Sister
Jawaban: a

28. What is the English word for “cucu laki-laki”?
a. Son
b. Grandson
c. Brother
d. Uncle
e. Nephew
Jawaban: b

29. What is the English word for “cucu perempuan”?
a. Granddaughter
b. Niece
c. Sister
d. Daughter
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

30. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ayah”?
a. Brother
b. Father
c. Uncle
d. Cousin
e. Nephew
Jawaban: c

31. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ibu”?
a. Aunt
b. Mother
c. Sister
d. Cousin
e. Grandma
Jawaban: a

32. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ibu”?
a. Brother
b. Father
c. Uncle
d. Nephew
e. Cousin
Jawaban: c

33. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ayah”?
a. Sister
b. Aunt
c. Mother
d. Cousin
e. Niece
Jawaban: b

34. What is the English word for “ibu saudara perempuan”?
a. Aunt
b. Mother
c. Grandma
d. Cousin
e. Step-sister
Jawaban: a

35. What is the English word for “paman saudara laki-laki”?
a. Brother
b. Father
c. Uncle
d. Step-father
e. Nephew
Jawaban: c

Baca Juga:  50 Contoh Soal Ujian Masuk Perguruan Tinggi

36. What is the English word for “keluarga besar”?
a. Small family
b. Large family
c. Close family
d. Extended family
e. Nuclear family
Jawaban: d

37. What is the English word for “keluarga inti”?
a. Immediate family
b. Extended family
c. Nuclear family
d. Large family
e. Family tree
Jawaban: c

38. What is the English word for “pasangan hidup”?
a. Spouse
b. Parent
c. Child
d. Cousin
e. Sibling
Jawaban: a

39. What is the English word for “sepupu laki-laki”?
a. Male cousin
b. Brother

d. Nephew
e. Stepbrother
Jawaban: a

40. What is the English word for “sepupu perempuan”?
a. Female cousin
b. Sister
c. Niece
d. Daughter
e. Mother
Jawaban: a

41. What is the English word for “mertua laki-laki”?
a. Father-in-law
b. Brother-in-law
c. Stepbrother
d. Father
e. Husband
Jawaban: a

42. What is the English word for “mertua perempuan”?
a. Sister-in-law
b. Mother-in-law
c. Stepmother
d. Daughter-in-law
e. Aunt
Jawaban: b

43. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ibu”?
a. Uncle
b. Cousin
c. Father
d. Brother
e. Nephew
Jawaban: a

44. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ayah”?
a. Sister
b. Mother
c. Aunt
d. Cousin
e. Niece
Jawaban: c

45. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ibu”?
a. Aunt
b. Sister
c. Mother
d. Cousin
e. Step-sister
Jawaban: a

46. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ayah”?
a. Cousin
b. Brother
c. Uncle
d. Father
e. Grandfather
Jawaban: c

47. What is the English word for “orang tua suami”?
a. Father-in-law
b. Mother-in-law
c. Grandparent
d. Sister-in-law
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

48. What is the English word for “orang tua istri”?
a. Mother-in-law
b. Father-in-law
c. Grandparent
d. Sister-in-law
e. Uncle
Jawaban: b

49. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ibu”?
a. Brother
b. Nephew
c. Uncle
d. Father
e. Stepbrother
Jawaban: c

50. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ayah”?
a. Aunt
b. Sister
c. Mother
d. Step-sister
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

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