Contoh Soal

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Tentang Family

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Tentang Family Members
50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Tentang Family Members

50 Contoh Soal Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Tentang Family Members – Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang “Family Members” untuk Kelas 7 SMP beserta jawabannya:

1. What is the English word for “ayah”?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Brother
d. Sister
e. Son
Jawaban: a

2. What is the English word for “ibu”?
a. Sister
b. Father
c. Aunt
d. Mother
e. Grandmother
Jawaban: d

3. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki”?
a. Brother
b. Sister
c. Uncle
d. Cousin
e. Nephew
Jawaban: a

4. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan”?
a. Brother
b. Sister
c. Cousin
d. Mother
e. Aunt
Jawaban: b

5. What is the English word for “kakek”?
a. Uncle
b. Grandpa
c. Father
d. Grandfather
e. Cousin
Jawaban: d

6. What is the English word for “nenek”?
a. Grandma
b. Aunt
c. Mother
d. Sister
e. Father
Jawaban: a

7. What is the English word for “paman”?
a. Uncle
b. Father
c. Brother
d. Cousin
e. Nephew
Jawaban: a

8. What is the English word for “bibi”?
a. Mother
b. Aunt
c. Cousin
d. Sister
e. Grandmother
Jawaban: b

9. What is the English word for “keponakan laki-laki”?
a. Niece
b. Nephew
c. Brother
d. Son
e. Cousin
Jawaban: b

10. What is the English word for “keponakan perempuan”?
a. Niece
b. Nephew
c. Cousin
d. Daughter
e. Sister
Jawaban: a

11. What is the English word for “cucu laki-laki”?
a. Son
b. Grandson
c. Brother
d. Nephew
e. Cousin
Jawaban: b

12. What is the English word for “cucu perempuan”?
a. Granddaughter
b. Niece
c. Daughter
d. Sister
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

13. What is the English word for “ayah mertua”?
a. Father
b. Father-in-law
c. Grandfather
d. Brother-in-law
e. Uncle
Jawaban: b

14. What is the English word for “ibu mertua”?
a. Mother-in-law
b. Aunt
c. Sister-in-law
d. Grandmother
e. Mother
Jawaban: a

15. What is the English word for “suami”?
a. Husband
b. Wife
c. Father
d. Brother
e. Friend
Jawaban: a

16. What is the English word for “istri”?
a. Father
b. Wife
c. Sister
d. Mother
e. Daughter
Jawaban: b

17. What is the English word for “adik laki-laki”?
a. Little brother
b. Little sister
c. Elder brother
d. Cousin
e. Uncle
Jawaban: a

18. What is the English word for “adik perempuan”?
a. Little brother
b. Little sister
c. Elder sister
d. Mother
e. Father
Jawaban: b

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19. What is the English word for “abang”?
a. Younger brother
b. Older brother
c. Cousin
d. Uncle
e. Father
Jawaban: b

20. What is the English word for “saudara tiri laki-laki”?
a. Stepbrother
b. Half-brother
c. Cousin
d. Brother
e. Uncle
Jawaban: a

21. What is the English word for “saudara tiri perempuan”?
a. Stepsister
b. Sister-in-law
c. Half-sister
d. Daughter
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

22. What is the English word for “orang tua”?
a. Parent
b. Teacher
c. Grandparent
d. Neighbor
e. Friend
Jawaban: a

23. What is the English word for “keluarga”?
a. Neighbors
b. Friends
c. Family
d. Relatives
e. Classmates
Jawaban: c

24. What is the English word for “ibu tiri”?
a. Stepmother
b. Mother
c. Aunt
d. Sister
e. Grandma
Jawaban: a

25. What is the English word for “ayah tiri”?
a. Stepfather
b. Father
c. Uncle
d. Brother
e. Grandfather
Jawaban: a

26. What is the English word for “anak laki-laki”?
a. Daughter
b. Boy
c. Son
d. Father
e. Brother
Jawaban: c

27. What is the English word for “anak perempuan”?
a. Daughter
b. Girl
c. Son
d. Mother
e. Sister
Jawaban: a

28. What is the English word for “cucu laki-laki”?
a. Son
b. Grandson
c. Brother
d. Uncle
e. Nephew
Jawaban: b

29. What is the English word for “cucu perempuan”?
a. Granddaughter
b. Niece
c. Sister
d. Daughter
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

30. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ayah”?
a. Brother
b. Father
c. Uncle
d. Cousin
e. Nephew
Jawaban: c

31. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ibu”?
a. Aunt
b. Mother
c. Sister
d. Cousin
e. Grandma
Jawaban: a

32. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ibu”?
a. Brother
b. Father
c. Uncle
d. Nephew
e. Cousin
Jawaban: c

33. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ayah”?
a. Sister
b. Aunt
c. Mother
d. Cousin
e. Niece
Jawaban: b

34. What is the English word for “ibu saudara perempuan”?
a. Aunt
b. Mother
c. Grandma
d. Cousin
e. Step-sister
Jawaban: a

35. What is the English word for “paman saudara laki-laki”?
a. Brother
b. Father
c. Uncle
d. Step-father
e. Nephew
Jawaban: c

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36. What is the English word for “keluarga besar”?
a. Small family
b. Large family
c. Close family
d. Extended family
e. Nuclear family
Jawaban: d

37. What is the English word for “keluarga inti”?
a. Immediate family
b. Extended family
c. Nuclear family
d. Large family
e. Family tree
Jawaban: c

38. What is the English word for “pasangan hidup”?
a. Spouse
b. Parent
c. Child
d. Cousin
e. Sibling
Jawaban: a

39. What is the English word for “sepupu laki-laki”?
a. Male cousin
b. Brother

d. Nephew
e. Stepbrother
Jawaban: a

40. What is the English word for “sepupu perempuan”?
a. Female cousin
b. Sister
c. Niece
d. Daughter
e. Mother
Jawaban: a

41. What is the English word for “mertua laki-laki”?
a. Father-in-law
b. Brother-in-law
c. Stepbrother
d. Father
e. Husband
Jawaban: a

42. What is the English word for “mertua perempuan”?
a. Sister-in-law
b. Mother-in-law
c. Stepmother
d. Daughter-in-law
e. Aunt
Jawaban: b

43. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ibu”?
a. Uncle
b. Cousin
c. Father
d. Brother
e. Nephew
Jawaban: a

44. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ayah”?
a. Sister
b. Mother
c. Aunt
d. Cousin
e. Niece
Jawaban: c

45. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ibu”?
a. Aunt
b. Sister
c. Mother
d. Cousin
e. Step-sister
Jawaban: a

46. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ayah”?
a. Cousin
b. Brother
c. Uncle
d. Father
e. Grandfather
Jawaban: c

47. What is the English word for “orang tua suami”?
a. Father-in-law
b. Mother-in-law
c. Grandparent
d. Sister-in-law
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

48. What is the English word for “orang tua istri”?
a. Mother-in-law
b. Father-in-law
c. Grandparent
d. Sister-in-law
e. Uncle
Jawaban: b

49. What is the English word for “saudara laki-laki dari ibu”?
a. Brother
b. Nephew
c. Uncle
d. Father
e. Stepbrother
Jawaban: c

50. What is the English word for “saudara perempuan dari ayah”?
a. Aunt
b. Sister
c. Mother
d. Step-sister
e. Cousin
Jawaban: a

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