50 Contoh Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris IELTS

50 Contoh Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris IELTS – Latihan Bahasa Inggris IELTS (International English Language Testing System) adalah serangkaian latihan dan persiapan yang dirancang untuk membantu individu mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian IELTS. Ujian ini digunakan untuk menilai kemampuan bahasa Inggris seseorang dalam konteks akademik atau profesional, terutama bagi mereka yang berencana untuk belajar, bekerja, atau tinggal di negara berbahasa Inggris.
Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal berganda latihan Bahasa Inggris untuk persiapan IELTS, lengkap dengan jawabannya.
1. What is the synonym of “abundant”?
A. Rare
B. Scarce
C. Plentiful
D. Limited
E. Insufficient
Answer: C. Plentiful
2. Choose the correct sentence.
A. He don’t like coffee.
B. He doesn’t likes coffee.
C. He don’t likes coffee.
D. He doesn’t like coffee.
E. He does like coffee.
Answer: D. He doesn’t like coffee.
3. What is the antonym of “deteriorate”?
A. Decline
B. Improve
C. Worsen
D. Disintegrate
E. Collapse
Answer: B. Improve
4. Which word best completes the sentence? “The scientist _____ the results of the experiment.”
A. modified
B. constructed
C. deserted
D. agreed
E. pretended
Answer: A. modified
5. Which of the following is a compound sentence?
A. The sun is bright today.
B. She danced gracefully, and everyone applauded.
C. Running is a great way to stay fit.
D. Because he was late, he missed the bus.
E. Although it was raining, we went out.
Answer: B. She danced gracefully, and everyone applauded.
6. Which word is closest in meaning to “obsolete”?
A. Modern
B. Useless
C. Outdated
D. Efficient
E. Popular
Answer: C. Outdated
7. What is the correct plural form of “crisis”?
A. Crisis
B. Crisises
C. Crises
D. Crisis’s
E. Crisi
Answer: C. Crises
8. Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. Each student have their own book.
B. Each student has their own book.
C. Each student have his own book.
D. Each student has his own book.
E. Each student has own book.
Answer: D. Each student has his own book.
9. Identify the correct meaning of the idiom: “Break the ice.”
A. To make a mistake
B. To initiate conversation
C. To end an argument
D. To destroy something
E. To be very cold
Answer: B. To initiate conversation
10. Which word best completes the sentence? “The lawyer _____ the jury of the defendant’s innocence.”
A. advised
B. convinced
C. described
D. refused
E. contradicted
Answer: B. convinced
11. Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
A. The committee, agreed to meet next Monday.
B. The committee agreed to meet, next Monday.
C. The committee agreed to meet next Monday.
D. The committee; agreed to meet next Monday.
E. The committee agreed to meet next, Monday.
Answer: C. The committee agreed to meet next Monday.
12. What is the synonym of “meticulous”?
A. Careless
B. Precise
C. Rough
D. Inaccurate
E. General
Answer: B. Precise
13. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word: “She quickly ran to the store.”
A. Noun
B. Verb
C. Adjective
D. Adverb
E. Conjunction
Answer: D. Adverb
14. What is the antonym of “tranquil”?
A. Peaceful
B. Serene
C. Calm
D. Noisy
E. Still
Answer: D. Noisy
15. Which of the following is a complex sentence?
A. He plays the guitar and sings.
B. I like coffee, but I prefer tea.
C. She is tired, so she is going to bed.
D. Because he was late, he missed the bus.
E. The book is on the table.
Answer: D. Because he was late, he missed the bus.
16. What is the correct comparative form of “happy”?
A. Happiest
B. More happy
C. Most happy
D. Happier
E. Happiester
Answer: D. Happier
17. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “She is known for her _____ in art.”
A. talent
B. talents
C. talented
D. talentedness
E. talenting
Answer: A. talent
18. Which sentence is written in the passive voice?
A. The dog chased the cat.
B. The cat was chased by the dog.
C. The cat chased the dog.
D. The dog is chasing the cat.
E. The dog chases the cat.
Answer: B. The cat was chased by the dog.
19. What is the synonym of “ambiguous”?
A. Clear
B. Vague
C. Transparent
D. Obvious
E. Explicit
Answer: B. Vague
20. Which word best completes the sentence? “The teacher _____ the students for their excellent work.”
A. punished
B. praised
C. ignored
D. blamed
E. criticized
Answer: B. praised
21. Choose the correct form of the verb: “By this time next year, they _____ their exams.”
A. will finish
B. are finishing
C. will have finished
D. have finished
E. finish
Answer: C. will have finished
22. Identify the correct sentence.
A. The informations were incorrect.
B. The informations was incorrect.
C. The information was incorrect.
D. The informations is incorrect.
E. The information were incorrect.
Answer: C. The information was incorrect.
23. What is the antonym of “invaluable”?
A. Priceless
B. Valuable
C. Worthless
D. Important
E. Precious
Answer: C. Worthless
24. Which word best completes the sentence? “She _____ to travel around the world.”
A. dreams
B. dream
C. dreaming
D. dreamt
E. dreamings
Answer: A. dreams
25. Choose the correct sentence.
A. Neither of them were ready.
B. Neither of them was ready.
C. Neither of them is ready.
D. Neither of them are ready.
E. Neither of them is readying.
Answer: B. Neither of them was ready.
26. Which word is closest in meaning to “expedite”?
A. Delay
B. Hinder
C. Slow down
D. Accelerate
E. Stop
Answer: D. Accelerate
27. Identify the correct use of the apostrophe:
A. The childrens toys are scattered around.
B. The childrens’ toys are scattered around.
C. The children’s toys are scattered around.
D. The childrens toy’s are scattered around.
E. The children’s toy’s are scattered around.
Answer: C. The children’s toys are scattered around.
28. What is the synonym of “eminent”?
A. Unknown
B. Famous
C. Infamous
D. Ordinary
E. Unremarkable
Answer: B. Famous
29. Which sentence is correct?
A. She said she will come tomorrow.
B. She said she would come tomorrow.
C. She said she comes tomorrow.
D. She said she is come tomorrow.
E. She said she would comes tomorrow.
Answer: B. She said she would come tomorrow.
30. What is the antonym of “artificial”?
A. Genuine
B. Fake
C. Synthetic
D. Counterfeit
E. Fabricated
Answer: A. Genuine
31. Which word best completes the sentence? “The _____ of the speech was inspiring.”
A. content
B. contents
C. contenting
D. contentment
E. contented
Answer: A. content
32. Choose the correct sentence.
A. The team are winning the match.
B. The team is winning the match.
C. The team winning the match.
D. The team wins the match.
E. The team is wins the match.
Answer: B. The team is winning the match.
33. What is the synonym of “comply”?
A. Ignore
B. Disobey
C. Defy
D. Obey
E. Refuse
Answer: D. Obey
34. Which sentence is written in the past perfect tense?
A. I had eaten breakfast before I left for school.
B. I am eating breakfast now.
C. I eat breakfast every morning.
D. I will eat breakfast tomorrow.
E. I have eaten breakfast.
Answer: A. I had eaten breakfast before I left for school.
35. What is the antonym of “adversity”?
A. Misfortune
B. Hardship
C. Prosperity
D. Difficulty
E. Trouble
Answer: C. Prosperity
36. Which word best completes the sentence? “He was _____ with the results of the experiment.”
A. satisfied
B. satisfying
C. satisfaction
D. satisfies
E. satisfy
Answer: A. satisfied
37. Choose the correct sentence.
A. They was waiting for the bus.
B. They were waiting for the bus.
C. They is waiting for the bus.
D. They are wait for the bus.
E. They was waited for the bus.
Answer: B. They were waiting for the bus.
38. What is the synonym of “inception”?
A. End
B. Beginning
C. Middle
D. Conclusion
E. Termination
Answer: B. Beginning
39. Which sentence is written in the future perfect tense?
A. She will have finished the project by tomorrow.
B. She finishes the project by tomorrow.
C. She finished the project yesterday.
D. She is finishing the project now.
E. She will finish the project tomorrow.
Answer: A. She will have finished the project by tomorrow.
40. What is the antonym of “benevolent”?
A. Kind
B. Generous
C. Malevolent
D. Compassionate
E. Altruistic
Answer: C. Malevolent
41. Which word best completes the sentence? “The _____ of the mountain was covered in snow.”
A. peak
B. beak
C. pique
D. peek
E. pike
Answer: A. peak
42. Choose the correct sentence.
A. There is less apples in the basket.
B. There are fewer apples in the basket.
C. There are less apples in the basket.
D. There is fewer apples in the basket.
E. There are less apple in the basket.
Answer: B. There are fewer apples in the basket.
43. What is the synonym of “alleviate”?
A. Worsen
B. Intensify
C. Relieve
D. Aggravate
E. Heighten
Answer: C. Relieve
44. Which sentence is correct?
A. The box is too heavy to lift.
B. The box is to heavy to lift.
C. The box is two heavy to lift.
D. The box is to lift too heavy.
E. The box too heavy to lift.
Answer: A. The box is too heavy to lift.
45. What is the antonym of “diligent”?
A. Hardworking
B. Industrious
C. Careless
D. Persistent
E. Attentive
Answer: C. Careless
46. Which word best completes the sentence? “He has been _____ for the company since 2010.”
A. working
B. work
C. worked
D. works
E. to work
Answer: A. working
47. Choose the correct sentence.
A. She don’t like ice cream.
B. She doesn’t like ice cream.
C. She doesn’t likes ice cream.
D. She don’t likes ice cream.
E. She does likes ice cream.
Answer: B. She doesn’t like ice cream.
48. What is the synonym of “facetious”?
A. Serious
B. Sincere
C. Humorous
D. Somber
E. Grave
Answer: C. Humorous
49. Which sentence is written in the past continuous tense?
A. She was cooking dinner when I arrived.
B. She cooks dinner every night.
C. She will cook dinner tomorrow.
D. She is cooking dinner now.
E. She has cooked dinner.
Answer: A. She was cooking dinner when I arrived.
50. What is the antonym of “opaque”?
A. Transparent
B. Cloudy
C. Thick
D. Solid
E. Dense
Answer: A. Transparent
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