50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA

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50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA

50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA – Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA adalah mata pelajaran yang diajarkan pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas (SMA) kelas 10 di Indonesia. Pada tingkat ini, kurikulum Bahasa Inggris umumnya dirancang untuk memperluas kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa dalam berbagai aspek.

Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal berganda untuk Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA beserta jawabannya:

Pilihan Ganda

1. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. She don’t like apples.
b. She doesn’t likes apples.
c. She doesn’t like apples.
d. She don’t likes apples.
e. She doesn’t like apple.
Jawaban: c. She doesn’t like apples.

2. What is the synonym of “happy”?
a. Sad
b. Joyful
c. Angry
d. Tired
e. Bored
Jawaban: b. Joyful

3. Choose the correct form of the verb: “They _____ to the park yesterday.”
a. Go
b. Going
c. Went
d. Goes
e. Go to
Jawaban: c. Went

4. Complete the sentence: “If I had known about the meeting, I _____ attended.”
a. Will have
b. Would have
c. Would
d. Had
e. Have
Jawaban: b. Would have

5. Which word is spelled correctly?
a. Acommodate
b. Accomodate
c. Accommodate
d. Acommoddate
e. Accommadate
Jawaban: c. Accommodate

6. What is the antonym of “difficult”?
a. Hard
b. Complex
c. Simple
d. Tough
e. Challenging
Jawaban: c. Simple

7. Choose the sentence that uses the correct past tense form:
a. He eat dinner last night.
b. He ate dinner last night.
c. He eated dinner last night.
d. He eating dinner last night.
e. He has ate dinner last night.
Jawaban: b. He ate dinner last night.

8. What is the meaning of the phrase “barking up the wrong tree”?
a. To be mistaken about something
b. To be very excited
c. To be rude
d. To be lost
e. To be very happy
Jawaban: a. To be mistaken about something

9. Which sentence is in the passive voice?
a. The chef cooked a delicious meal.
b. The meal was cooked by the chef.
c. The chef is cooking a meal.
d. The chef cooks a meal.
e. The meal cooks the chef.
Jawaban: b. The meal was cooked by the chef.

10. Fill in the blank: “She is good _____ playing the guitar.”
a. At
b. With
c. For
d. To
e. About
Jawaban: a. At

11. Choose the correct word: “I’m looking forward _____ your reply.”
a. For
b. To
c. With
d. About
e. On
Jawaban: b. To

12. What is the plural form of “child”?
a. Childs
b. Children
c. Childes
d. Childern
e. Childrens
Jawaban: b. Children

13. Select the sentence with the correct use of “whose”:
a. Whose book is on the table?
b. Who’s book is on the table?
c. Whos’ book is on the table?
d. Whose’s book is on the table?
e. Who book is on the table?
Jawaban: a. Whose book is on the table?

14. What is the past participle of “begin”?
a. Began
b. Begun
c. Beginned
d. Began
e. Begun
Jawaban: b. Begun

15. Choose the correct comparative form: “This exam is _____ than the last one.”
a. More easy
b. Easier
c. More easier
d. Easierer
e. Most easy
Jawaban: b. Easier

16. Fill in the blank: “I _____ to the store every weekend.”
a. Go
b. Goes
c. Going
d. Gone
e. Go to
Jawaban: a. Go

17. What does the word “meticulous” mean?
a. Careful and precise
b. Lazy and careless
c. Quick and hasty
d. Noisy and chaotic
e. Simple and easy
Jawaban: a. Careful and precise

18. Choose the sentence with the correct usage of “affect”:
a. The new law will affect many people.
b. The new law will effect many people.
c. The new law affected many people.
d. The new law will affect to many people.
e. The new law will be affecting many people.
Jawaban: a. The new law will affect many people.

19. What is the correct past form of “fly”?
a. Flown
b. Flew
c. Flyed
d. Flown
e. Flew
Jawaban: b. Flew

20. Which sentence is correct?
a. I has been waiting for an hour.
b. I have been waiting for an hour.
c. I had been waiting for an hour.
d. I have waiting for an hour.
e. I waiting for an hour.
Jawaban: b. I have been waiting for an hour.

21. Fill in the blank: “She is _____ student in the class.”
a. The best
b. Better
c. Best
d. More best
e. Betterest
Jawaban: a. The best

22. What is the meaning of the idiom “hit the nail on the head”?
a. To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
b. To make a mistake
c. To fix something
d. To stop something from happening
e. To start a new project
Jawaban: a. To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem

23. Which sentence is in the future continuous tense?
a. I will be studying at 8 PM.
b. I am studying at 8 PM.
c. I studied at 8 PM.
d. I will study at 8 PM.
e. I have studied at 8 PM.
Jawaban: a. I will be studying at 8 PM.

24. Choose the correct form of the verb: “She _____ the piano for three hours every day.”
a. Plays
b. Played
c. Playing
d. Play
e. Played
Jawaban: a. Plays

25. What is the opposite of “optimistic”?
a. Pessimistic
b. Enthusiastic
c. Happy
d. Joyful
e. Hopeful
Jawaban: a. Pessimistic

26. Complete the sentence: “They have been married _____ 10 years.”
a. Since
b. For
c. From
d. By
e. During
Jawaban: b. For

27. Which word is a noun?
a. Run
b. Quickly
c. Happiness
d. Beautiful
e. Talk
Jawaban: c. Happiness

28. Fill in the blank: “She _____ a new dress yesterday.”
a. Buys
b. Bought
c. Buy
d. Buying
e. Buyed
Jawaban: b. Bought

29. What is the correct plural form of “foot”?
a. Feets
b. Foots
c. Feet
d. Footes
e. Feets
Jawaban: c. Feet

30. Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?
a. I had seen that movie.
b. I see that movie.
c. I will see that movie.
d. I have seen that movie.
e. I saw that movie.
Jawaban: d. I have seen that movie.

31. Choose the sentence that uses “whose” correctly:
a. Whose car is parked outside?
b. Who’s car is parked outside?
c. Whos’ car is parked outside?
d. Whose’s car is parked outside?
e. Who car is parked outside?
Jawaban: a. Whose car is parked outside?

32. Fill in the blank: “This is the book _____ I was looking for.”
a. Who
b. Where
c. Which
d. Whom
e. Whose
Jawaban: c. Which

33. Choose the correct preposition: “She is interested _____ learning new languages.”
a. Of
b. For
c. About
d. In
e. With
Jawaban: d. In

34. What is the correct form of the verb for “He _____ to the gym last week.”
a. Go
b. Goes
c. Gone
d. Went
e. Going
Jawaban: d. Went

35. What does “benevolent” mean?
a. Kind and generous
b. Angry
c. Sad
d. Selfish
e. Hostile
Jawaban: a. Kind and generous

36. Fill in the blank: “I _____ never been to Paris.”
a. Have
b. Had
c. Has
d. Having
e. Have had
Jawaban: a. Have

37. Which sentence uses “lay” correctly?
a. I lay the book on the table.
b. I laid the book on the table.
c. I laying the book on the table.
d. I lays the book on the table.
e. I have laid the book on the table.
Jawaban: b. I laid the book on the table.

38. What is the past form of “write”?
a. Wrote
b. Written
c. Writed
d. Writing
e. Writes
Jawaban: a. Wrote

39. Choose the correct verb form: “By the time he arrives, I _____ dinner.”
a. Will have finished
b. Finished
c. Will finish
d. Finish
e. Finishes
Jawaban: a. Will have finished

40. Fill in the blank: “She is excited _____ her new job.”
a. About
b. At
c. To
d. With
e. For
Jawaban: a. About

41. What does “candid” mean?
a. Honest and straightforward
b. Shy
c. Dishonest
d. Secretive
e. Rude
Jawaban: a. Honest and straightforward

42. Choose the correct form of “begin”: “The concert _____ at 7 PM.”
a. Began
b. Beginning
c. Begun
d. Begins
e. Begin
Jawaban: d. Begins

43. What is the meaning of the idiom “break the ice”?
a. To make people feel more comfortable
b. To break something into pieces
c. To start a fight
d. To be late
e. To fail at something
Jawaban: a. To make people feel more comfortable

44. Fill in the blank: “The teacher asked the students to _____ their homework.”
a. Hand in
b. Hand over
c. Hand out
d. Hand up
e. Hand off
Jawaban: a. Hand in

45. What is the plural form of “mouse”?
a. Mouses
b. Mice
c. Mouse
d. Mices
e. Mices
Jawaban: b. Mice

46. Choose the correct word: “The company is looking for an employee who is _____ to work hard.”
a. Willing
b. Will
c. Won
d. Willingness
e. Wills
Jawaban: a. Willing

47. What does “innovative” mean?
a. New and creative
b. Old and outdated
c. Ordinary
d. Simple
e. Common
Jawaban: a. New and creative

48. Fill in the blank: “The children were excited _____ the amusement park.”
a. To visit
b. Visiting
c. Visit
d. Visits
e. Visitied
Jawaban: a. To visit

49. What is the past participle of “eat”?
a. Eat
b. Eats
c. Eaten
d. Ate
e. Eating
Jawaban: c. Eaten

50. Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a. I am reading a book.
b. I read a book.
c. I will read a book.
d. I have read a book.
e. I read books.
Jawaban: a. I am reading a book.

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