50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Dengan Strategi Menjawab

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50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Dengan Strategi Menjawab

50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Dengan Strategi Menjawab – Di kelas 12 SMA, mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris biasanya mencakup berbagai topik dan keterampilan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris siswa.

Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA beserta jawabannya:

Soal 1-10: Reading Comprehension

1. What is the main idea of the passage?
a. The advantages of learning English
b. The history of the English language
c. The importance of language diversity
d. The future of English as a global language
e. The challenges of learning English
Jawaban: a

2. The word “diligent” in the passage most likely means…
a. Lazy
b. Hardworking
c. Smart
d. Careless
e. Unreliable
Jawaban: b

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
a. The role of teachers in language learning
b. The use of technology in education
c. The benefits of bilingualism
d. The popularity of English in the business world
e. The cultural impact of language
Jawaban: a

4. What can be inferred from the passage?
a. Learning multiple languages can be confusing.
b. English is the easiest language to learn.
c. Technology plays a significant role in language learning.
d. Bilingualism is a disadvantage in today’s world.
e. English will eventually replace all other languages.
Jawaban: c

5. The phrase “cultural melting pot” in the passage refers to…
a. A place where different cultures mix and influence each other
b. A traditional dish made of mixed ingredients
c. A method of cooking used in different cultures
d. A festival celebrating cultural diversity
e. A historical event involving multiple cultures
Jawaban: a

6. Why does the author mention “language barriers”?
a. To emphasize the difficulties in communication
b. To promote the idea of language unification
c. To argue against the need for learning English
d. To illustrate the diversity of languages
e. To highlight the advantages of monolingualism
Jawaban: a

7. According to the passage, what is one reason why English is considered important?
a. It is the oldest language in the world.
b. It is widely used in international communication.
c. It is the easiest language to learn.
d. It has the most complex grammar.
e. It is the most spoken language in the world.
Jawaban: b

8. The author’s tone in the passage can best be described as…
a. Critical
b. Neutral
c. Supportive
d. Indifferent
e. Sarcastic
Jawaban: c

9. What is the purpose of the passage?
a. To persuade readers to learn English
b. To inform readers about language learning methods
c. To entertain readers with stories about language
d. To criticize the global dominance of English
e. To explore the history of the English language
Jawaban: b

10. The word “predominant” in the passage is closest in meaning to…
a. Minor
b. Secondary
c. Dominant
d. Insignificant
e. Rare
Jawaban: c

Soal 11-20: Grammar and Structure

11. She _______ to the store yesterday.
a. goes
b. went
c. gone
d. will go
e. is going
Jawaban: b

12. If I _______ rich, I would travel the world.
a. am
b. was
c. were
d. will be
e. would be
Jawaban: c

13. The cake _______ by the time we arrived.
a. is baking
b. baked
c. was baking
d. had baked
e. had been baked
Jawaban: e

14. They _______ for two hours before the movie started.
a. had been waiting
b. were waiting
c. waited
d. have waited
e. are waiting
Jawaban: a

15. _______ she study hard, she would pass the exam.
a. If
b. Should
c. Unless
d. In case
e. Although
Jawaban: b

16. The book _______ by the author last year.
a. writes
b. wrote
c. was written
d. has written
e. was writing
Jawaban: c

17. By the time you get home, I _______ dinner.
a. will have prepared
b. will prepare
c. prepare
d. prepared
e. will be preparing
Jawaban: a

18. I wish I _______ more time to study.
a. have
b. had
c. will have
d. am having
e. have had
Jawaban: b

19. The project _______ before the deadline.
a. will finish
b. is finishing
c. finished
d. will be finished
e. finishes
Jawaban: d

20. She acts as if she _______ the boss.
a. is
b. was
c. were
d. will be
e. has been
Jawaban: c

Soal 21-30: Vocabulary

21. The synonym of “exhausted” is…
a. Tired
b. Energized
c. Bored
d. Relaxed
e. Happy
Jawaban: a

22. Which word is the antonym of “generous”?
a. Kind
b. Selfish
c. Charitable
d. Helpful
e. Friendly
Jawaban: b

23. The word “bizarre” most closely means…
a. Common
b. Unusual
c. Ordinary
d. Predictable
e. Normal
Jawaban: b

24. Which of the following is a synonym for “precise”?
a. Vague
b. Approximate
c. Exact
d. Rough
e. Inaccurate
Jawaban: c

25. The word “reluctant” is closest in meaning to…
a. Willing
b. Eager
c. Hesitant
d. Excited
e. Happy
Jawaban: c

26. What is the antonym of “brave”?
a. Courageous
b. Fearless
c. Daring
d. Cowardly
e. Bold
Jawaban: d

27. The word “intricate” can best be defined as…
a. Simple
b. Complicated
c. Easy
d. Straightforward
e. Clear
Jawaban: b

28. The synonym of “deceive” is…
a. Mislead
b. Trust
c. Support
d. Aid
e. Follow
Jawaban: a

29. The word “miserable” is closest in meaning to…
a. Happy
b. Cheerful
c. Wretched
d. Content
e. Satisfied
Jawaban: c

30. Which of the following is an antonym of “increase”?
a. Boost
b. Expand
c. Raise
d. Reduce
e. Grow
Jawaban: d

Soal 31-40: Writing

31. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a. She said “I will be late.”
b. She said, “I will be late.”
c. She said I will be late.
d. She said, I will be late.
e. She said: I will be late.
Jawaban: b

32. The correct form of the sentence is…
a. I have seen him yesterday.
b. I seen him yesterday.
c. I saw him yesterday.
d. I am seeing him yesterday.
e. I was seeing him yesterday.
Jawaban: c

33. Which of the following is a compound sentence?
a. She went to the store and bought some bread.
b. After she went to the store, she bought some bread.
c. She went to the store, and she bought some bread.
d. She went to the store to buy some bread.
e. She went to the store, bought some bread.
Jawaban: c

34. The correct use of the word “affect” is…
a. The new policy had a big affect on the economy.
b. The medicine didn’t affect him at all.
c. The affect of the speech was profound.
d. The weather affect our plans.
e. She affect to like the movie.
Jawaban: b

35. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. He don’t know the answer.

b. He doesn’t know the answer.
c. He isn’t knowing the answer.
d. He didn’t knew the answer.
e. He doesn’t knew the answer.
Jawaban: b

36. Which sentence is written in the passive voice?
a. The chef cooked a delicious meal.
b. A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
c. The chef was cooking a delicious meal.
d. The chef has cooked a delicious meal.
e. The chef cooks a delicious meal.
Jawaban: b

37. The sentence “I would have helped you if you _______ me.” is completed by…
a. Ask
b. Asks
c. Asked
d. Had asked
e. Asking
Jawaban: d

38. The correct form of the sentence is…
a. He works hardly every day.
b. He works hard every day.
c. He hardly works every day.
d. He hard works every day.
e. He working hard every day.
Jawaban: b

39. Which of the following is the correct order of adjectives?
a. A red big balloon
b. A balloon red big
c. A big balloon red
d. A big red balloon
e. A red balloon big
Jawaban: d

40. The correct form of the sentence is…
a. They have been waited for an hour.
b. They have been waiting for an hour.
c. They are waited for an hour.
d. They have waiting for an hour.
e. They have waited for an hour.
Jawaban: b

Soal 41-50: Error Identification

41. Identify the error: “She enjoys to play the piano.”
a. She
b. enjoys
c. to
d. play
e. the
Jawaban: c

42. Identify the error: “I didn’t knew he was here.”
a. didn’t
b. knew
c. he
d. was
e. here
Jawaban: b

43. Identify the error: “There is many books on the shelf.”
a. There
b. is
c. many
d. books
e. on
Jawaban: b

44. Identify the error: “She is more taller than her sister.”
a. She
b. is
c. more
d. taller
e. than
Jawaban: c

45. Identify the error: “The informations are correct.”
a. The
b. informations
c. are
d. correct
e. None
Jawaban: b

46. Identify the error: “He has lived here since five years.”
a. He
b. has lived
c. here
d. since
e. five
Jawaban: d

47. Identify the error: “She doesn’t likes ice cream.”
a. She
b. doesn’t
c. likes
d. ice
e. cream
Jawaban: c

48. Identify the error: “I am look forward to meeting you.”
a. I
b. am
c. look
d. forward
e. meeting
Jawaban: c

49. Identify the error: “They has finished their homework.”
a. They
b. has
c. finished
d. their
e. homework
Jawaban: b

50. Identify the error: “We should to leave now.”
a. We
b. should
c. to
d. leave
e. now
Jawaban: c

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