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Contoh Soal Kelas 10 SMA Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text

Contoh Soal Kelas 10 SMA Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text
Contoh Soal Kelas 10 SMA Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text

Contoh Soal Kelas 10 SMA Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text – Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang Descriptive Text untuk kelas 10 SMA beserta jawabannya:

1. What is the purpose of a descriptive text?
a. To explain how something works
b. To entertain the reader
c. To describe a person, place, thing, or event
d. To argue about a topic
e. To tell a story
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Descriptive text bertujuan untuk menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan seseorang, tempat, benda, atau peristiwa secara detail.

2. Which of the following is an example of a descriptive text?
a. A news article
b. A travel brochure
c. A biography
d. A recipe
e. A procedure text
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Travel brochure adalah contoh teks deskriptif karena menggambarkan tempat-tempat yang menarik untuk dikunjungi.

3. In a descriptive text, what is usually described?
a. The process of doing something
b. The advantages of an invention
c. The features of a person, place, or object
d. The opinion of the writer
e. The cause and effect of a situation
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Descriptive text berfokus pada penggambaran atau deskripsi fitur seseorang, tempat, atau objek.

4. Which of the following is a characteristic of descriptive text?
a. It contains a lot of arguments
b. It focuses on a specific experience
c. It provides detailed descriptions
d. It explains how to make something
e. It narrates a story
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Descriptive text memberikan deskripsi yang detail tentang objek, tempat, atau seseorang.

5. Which sentence is most likely found in a descriptive text?
a. “I will explain the process of making a cake.”
b. “The room was small, with walls painted pale blue and a large window that allowed sunlight to pour in.”
c. “You should try to understand this topic.”
d. “First, add the flour into the bowl.”
e. “The event was very memorable and I felt happy.”
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini menggambarkan suasana ruangan secara rinci, yang merupakan ciri khas dari teks deskriptif.

6. What does a descriptive text usually include?
a. A sequence of events
b. An argument or opinion
c. A detailed description of appearance or characteristics
d. A comparison between different objects
e. A list of instructions
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Descriptive text biasanya memuat deskripsi rinci tentang penampilan atau karakteristik.

7. Which of the following words are commonly used in a descriptive text?
a. Then, after, next
b. First, second, finally
c. Big, beautiful, tall, shiny
d. Why, how, when
e. Therefore, however, because
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Dalam teks deskriptif, kata sifat seperti besar, indah, tinggi, dan berkilau digunakan untuk menggambarkan objek atau orang.

8. What is the main purpose of a descriptive text about a city?
a. To explain how to travel to the city
b. To describe the attractions, landmarks, and general appearance of the city
c. To compare it with other cities
d. To give advice on living in the city
e. To narrate a historical event in the city
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Descriptive text tentang kota akan menggambarkan objek atau tempat di kota tersebut, seperti tempat wisata atau bangunan penting.

9. Which is an example of a descriptive text about a person?
a. “My mother has curly hair, bright blue eyes, and a warm smile.”
b. “My father enjoys reading books.”
c. “My sister goes to school every day.”
d. “My friend likes to play basketball.”
e. “My teacher gives us homework every day.”
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini mendeskripsikan penampilan dan karakteristik fisik seseorang, yang merupakan teks deskriptif.

10. Which of the following is NOT an example of a descriptive text?
a. A paragraph describing a park
b. A poem about a sunset
c. A short story about a trip
d. A painting of a beach
e. A description of a famous person
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Cerita pendek tentang perjalanan lebih cenderung bersifat naratif, bukan deskriptif.

11. The word “serene” in a descriptive text most likely refers to…
a. Noise
b. Calmness
c. Brightness
d. Chaos
e. Danger
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: “Serene” berarti tenang atau damai, sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan suasana atau pemandangan yang tenang.

12. Which part of a descriptive text describes the appearance of the subject?
a. Introduction
b. Thesis statement
c. Body
d. Conclusion
e. Argument
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Bagian tubuh teks deskriptif adalah tempat di mana penulis menggambarkan secara rinci tentang subjeknya.

13. Which of the following is a common structure of a descriptive text?
a. Introduction, elaboration, and recommendation
b. Orientation, complication, and resolution
c. Introduction, description, and conclusion
d. Exposition, argument, and evaluation
e. Introduction, evidence, and conclusion
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Teks deskriptif umumnya terdiri dari pendahuluan, deskripsi, dan kesimpulan.

14. Which sentence describes a place in a descriptive text?
a. “The park is located in the city center.”
b. “The park is full of trees, flowers, and benches.”
c. “I visited the park last weekend.”
d. “We should go to the park tomorrow.”
e. “The park has many activities for families.”
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini mendeskripsikan elemen-elemen di taman, seperti pohon, bunga, dan bangku.

15. Which of the following best describes a function of the conclusion in a descriptive text?
a. To summarize the description
b. To provide evidence for the description
c. To present an argument for the subject
d. To introduce a new point of view
e. To explain how something works
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Kesimpulan dalam teks deskriptif biasanya merangkum atau menyimpulkan deskripsi yang telah disampaikan.

16. What kind of details are most important in a descriptive text about a person?
a. Their hobbies and interests
b. Their family background
c. Their physical appearance and personality traits
d. Their education
e. Their work experience
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Dalam teks deskriptif tentang seseorang, detail tentang penampilan fisik dan sifat kepribadian sangat penting.

17. The main focus of a descriptive text is…
a. To tell a story
b. To persuade the reader
c. To describe something in detail
d. To explain a process
e. To analyze a situation
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Fokus utama teks deskriptif adalah untuk memberikan deskripsi yang mendetail tentang seseorang, tempat, atau benda.

18. Which sentence would most likely be found in a descriptive text about a beach?
a. “The beach is located in the north of the island.”
b. “The golden sand stretches for miles, and the waves crash gently against the shore.”
c. “We went to the beach last summer.”
d. “You can swim and sunbathe on the beach.”
e. “The beach is popular for surfing.”
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini menggambarkan suasana dan elemen-elemen di pantai dengan detail.

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19. Which of the following is NOT a common feature of a descriptive text?
a. Sensory details (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch)
b. A clear structure (introduction, description, conclusion)
c. A persuasive tone
d. Use of adjectives and adverbs
e. Vivid imagery
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Teks deskriptif tidak bertujuan untuk meyakinkan pembaca, melainkan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu dengan jelas.

20. In a descriptive text, sensory details are used to…
a. Explain how something works
b. Help the reader visualize and experience the subject
c. Persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s opinion
d. Narrate a sequence of events
e. Compare two objects
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Detail sensorik membantu pembaca membayangkan dan merasakan subjek yang dijelaskan.

21. What type of text would most likely use sensory details such as “the sweet smell of roses” or “the sound of the waves”?
a. Narrative text
b. Expository text
c. Descriptive text
d. Procedural text
e. Argumentative text
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Descriptive text sering menggunakan detail sensorik untuk menggambarkan pengalaman yang dirasakan oleh indra.

22. Which of the following adjectives is most appropriate for describing a sunset?
a. Loud
b. Hot
c. Boring
d. Stunning
e. Tall
Jawaban: d
Penjelasan: “Stunning” adalah kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan keindahan sebuah matahari terbenam dalam teks deskriptif.

23. Which part of the descriptive text introduces the main subject to be described?
a. The description
b. The body
c. The introduction
d. The thesis statement
e. The conclusion
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Pendahuluan dalam teks deskriptif memperkenalkan subjek yang akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut.

24. Which of the following describes the appearance of a person in a descriptive text?
a. “She always likes to help others.”
b. “She has long, curly hair and a bright smile.”
c. “She works in a hospital.”
d. “She is kind and caring.”
e. “She enjoys reading books.”
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini menggambarkan penampilan fisik seseorang, yang merupakan ciri khas teks deskriptif.

25. Which sensory detail would you most likely find in a descriptive text about food?
a. “The soup was hot and smelled of fresh herbs.”
b. “The soup was served in a bowl.”
c. “The soup recipe can be found online.”
d. “I made the soup yesterday.”
e. “I prefer soup over salad.”
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Detail sensorik seperti “panas” dan “bau segar dari rempah-rempah” memberikan gambaran tentang pengalaman makan.

26. In a descriptive text about a park, which of the following would likely be described?
a. The park’s history
b. The activities available at the park
c. The features of the park, such as trees, flowers, and paths
d. The park’s opening hours
e. The price of admission to the park
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Teks deskriptif tentang taman akan menggambarkan fitur-fitur fisik taman, seperti pohon, bunga, dan jalur.

27. What is the main function of adjectives in a descriptive text?
a. To narrate a story
b. To explain a process
c. To add detail and description
d. To provide a solution
e. To argue a point
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Kata sifat digunakan dalam teks deskriptif untuk menambah detail dan memperjelas deskripsi.

28. Which of the following would most likely be found in a descriptive text about a mountain?
a. “The mountain has a peak that rises high above the surrounding forest.”
b. “Mountains are formed by tectonic plate movement.”
c. “Mountains are cold and tall.”
d. “Hiking up a mountain can be difficult.”
e. “Many people live near mountains.”
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini menggambarkan ciri fisik gunung dengan detail.

29. How can sensory details in a descriptive text enhance the reader’s experience?
a. By providing the history of the subject
b. By explaining why something is important
c. By helping the reader to visualize and feel the subject
d. By providing statistics about the subject
e. By giving the reader an argument about the subject
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Detail sensorik membantu pembaca membayangkan dan merasakan subjek yang dijelaskan, meningkatkan pengalaman mereka.

30. What does the conclusion of a descriptive text typically do?
a. It introduces a new argument.
b. It provides a summary or final impression of the subject.
c. It describes the process of how something works.
d. It presents new information.
e. It compares different subjects.
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Kesimpulan dalam teks deskriptif biasanya merangkum atau memberikan kesan akhir tentang subjek yang dijelaskan.

31. Which of the following adjectives would be used to describe a peaceful scene in a descriptive text?
a. Chaotic
b. Serene
c. Busy
d. Loud
e. Crowded
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: “Serene” menggambarkan suasana yang tenang dan damai, sangat cocok untuk deskripsi suasana yang tenang.

32. In a descriptive text about a garden, which of the following would be a likely description?
a. “The garden is full of vibrant flowers in various colors and sizes.”
b. “Gardens are popular for relaxation.”
c. “The garden is a great place for a picnic.”
d. “The garden was built in 1980.”
e. “Many people visit gardens for inspiration.”
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini memberikan deskripsi yang detail tentang taman, khususnya tentang bunga-bunga yang ada di sana.

33. What role do adverbs play in a descriptive text?
a. To explain a process
b. To provide additional detail about actions or states
c. To compare two subjects
d. To create an argument
e. To summarize information
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Adverbia memberi informasi lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana tindakan atau keadaan terjadi, menambah kedalaman deskripsi.

34. Which of the following is NOT typically included in a descriptive text about a place?
a. The geographical features
b. The cultural significance of the place
c. The daily weather patterns
d. The specific details of the place’s appearance
e. The historical facts about the place
Jawaban: e
Penjelasan: Teks deskriptif lebih fokus pada menggambarkan penampilan dan fitur dari tempat, bukan sejarahnya.

35. Which sentence would you most likely find in a descriptive text about a beach?
a. “The sun sets behind the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink.”
b. “Many people visit the beach every summer.”
c. “The beach is located near a busy city.”
d. “You can find hotels near the beach.”
e. “The beach has many water sports activities.”
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini menggambarkan pemandangan matahari terbenam di pantai dengan menggunakan imajinasi visual yang kuat.

36. How can using vivid adjectives improve a descriptive text?
a. By making the text more persuasive
b. By making the text sound more formal
c. By making the text more detailed and engaging
d. By explaining the process of the subject
e. By providing facts and figures about the subject
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Penggunaan kata sifat yang hidup memberikan detail yang lebih jelas, membuat teks lebih menarik dan mudah dibayangkan.

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37. Which type of word is most commonly used in descriptive texts to create strong images?
a. Verbs
b. Adjectives
c. Nouns
d. Conjunctions
e. Pronouns
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Kata sifat (adjektiva) digunakan untuk menggambarkan ciri-ciri subjek dengan detail, menciptakan gambaran yang kuat.

38. In a descriptive text, what is the role of the introduction?
a. To describe the subject in detail
b. To provide background information
c. To compare the subject with other subjects
d. To summarize the main points
e. To state the writer’s opinion
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Pendahuluan memberikan informasi dasar atau latar belakang tentang subjek yang akan dijelaskan.

39. Which of the following would most likely be used in a descriptive text about a mountain?
a. “The mountain is known for its challenging hiking trails.”
b. “Mountains are formed over millions of years.”
c. “I visited the mountain last summer.”
d. “Many people go to the mountain to relax.”
e. “The mountain’s peak is covered with snow throughout the year.”

Jawaban: e
Penjelasan: Ini adalah deskripsi fisik gunung yang mendetail, yang sesuai dengan teks deskriptif.

40. What is the main focus of a descriptive text?
a. To provide a detailed explanation of how something works
b. To tell a story about an event
c. To describe a person, place, or thing in detail
d. To argue for a particular point of view
e. To compare two or more things
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Fokus utama dari teks deskriptif adalah menggambarkan suatu subjek secara rinci.

Berikut kelanjutan soal 41 hingga 50 tentang Descriptive Text untuk kelas 10 SMA beserta jawabannya:

41. Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of descriptive text?
a. Use of sensory details
b. Clear and vivid descriptions
c. Explaining a process
d. Organized in a logical sequence
e. Use of adjectives and adverbs
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Descriptive text berfokus pada menggambarkan suatu subjek dengan detail, bukan pada menjelaskan proses.

42. Which of the following is an example of a sensory detail in a descriptive text?
a. “The book is 200 pages long.”
b. “The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks was soothing.”
c. “The author argues that books are important.”
d. “The location of the event is near the park.”
e. “I like to read books in the evening.”
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini menggambarkan pengalaman mendengar yang dapat membantu pembaca merasakan suasana tersebut.

43. What does “vivid description” in a descriptive text mean?
a. Describing something in a way that is easy to read
b. Using clear, detailed language that helps the reader imagine the subject
c. Writing in a factual and straightforward manner
d. Describing something that is not real
e. Focusing on the technical aspects of the subject
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Deskripsi yang hidup memberikan detail yang jelas sehingga pembaca dapat membayangkan subjek dengan jelas.

44. Which of the following is a good conclusion for a descriptive text about a garden?
a. “The garden is a beautiful place to visit, with many colorful flowers and peaceful surroundings.”
b. “Gardens are places that people enjoy because they offer relaxation and beauty.”
c. “Many gardens have ponds, flowers, and trees.”
d. “You should plant a garden if you have the space.”
e. “Gardens can be found in many parts of the world.”
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini merangkum deskripsi taman dengan kesan yang kuat tentang keindahan dan ketenangannya.

45. What is the purpose of using adjectives in a descriptive text?
a. To argue or persuade
b. To explain a process
c. To describe the appearance, qualities, or characteristics of a subject
d. To provide statistical data
e. To present a sequence of events
Jawaban: c
Penjelasan: Adjektiva digunakan untuk memberikan detail lebih lanjut tentang subjek yang digambarkan dalam teks deskriptif.

46. Which of the following would you most likely find in a descriptive text about a pet dog?
a. “My dog has soft, fluffy fur and big, brown eyes.”
b. “Dogs are loyal companions and make great pets.”
c. “The dog has been living with us for two years.”
d. “Dogs are popular pets around the world.”
e. “The dog loves to play fetch in the park.”
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Ini adalah contoh deskripsi fisik tentang anjing yang sangat tepat untuk teks deskriptif.

47. In a descriptive text, which sensory detail would most likely be used to describe the smell of fresh bread?
a. “The bread was golden brown and crusty.”
b. “The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the room.”
c. “The bread was made with wheat flour.”
d. “The bread had a soft texture.”
e. “The bread was made using traditional methods.”
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: “Aroma” adalah detail sensorik yang menggambarkan bau roti yang baru dipanggang, yang merupakan bagian penting dari teks deskriptif.

48. Which sentence would most likely describe a city at night in a descriptive text?
a. “The city lights twinkled in the distance, and the streets were quiet except for the occasional car passing by.”
b. “Many people go to the city at night to have dinner and visit shops.”
c. “The city has many tall buildings.”
d. “You can find restaurants in the city.”
e. “The city is home to millions of people.”
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Kalimat ini menggambarkan suasana kota di malam hari dengan detail yang mengaktifkan indra pembaca.

49. Which of the following is a common structure of a descriptive text?
a. Introduction, body, conclusion
b. Problem, solution
c. Thesis, argument, conclusion
d. Title, introduction, comparison
e. Background, data, conclusion
Jawaban: a
Penjelasan: Struktur yang umum dari teks deskriptif adalah pendahuluan (pengantar), isi (deskripsi detail), dan kesimpulan.

50. What is the most important aspect of writing a descriptive text?
a. Using complex language
b. Using detailed and vivid descriptions that engage the reader’s senses
c. Providing statistical information
d. Telling a personal story
e. Arguing a point of view
Jawaban: b
Penjelasan: Aspek terpenting dalam menulis teks deskriptif adalah memberikan deskripsi yang detail dan hidup yang melibatkan indra pembaca.

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